Performance Logger Dashboard

Performance Logger Dashboard (PLD)
The Performance Logger Dashboard is a specially developed application to display the LOG files of the Performance Logger SD in a user-friendly way.
Step 1: Signing in with the Product Key

You can use the PLD by registering with us (via email) with the serial number of the Performance Logger SD. This number serves as the Product Key. The Product Key is located on the label on the back of the Performance Logger. If this number is not available, you can read it up by pressing RES (< MY2020) or for 2 seconds on OPTIONS (> MY2020) in the “Squadra Tuning says hello” line.
As soon as we have activated the Product Key, your account can be created.

Step 2: Enter the Product Key
The on-line Performance Logger Dashboard can be found via the link below
Press “New Here?”

Enter de Product Key.

Step 3: Creat an acount

After creating the account, an email will be sent to the specified email address. Confirm the creation. From now on you can use the PLD.

If you do not use the PLD for more than a week, a second access control will be used when opening it. This takes the form of a code that is sent to your email address.
Quick start guide Performance Logger Dashboard
Before viewing LOG files, we recommend updating the Performance Logger to the latest available version. This can be done using the Squadra Tuning OBD tool updater.
Versions older than 4.50 may not work as well.
Below are a number of YouTube videos that show you how to use the PLD.